Myofascial Release (MFR)
Transform pain, dysfunction and injury
Restrictions in the fascia can cause symptoms such as pain, tingling, or burning as fascia can bind to nerves and blood vessels. And in turn can result in reduced flexibility and mobility. Over time such ‘stress’ can further compromise body systems, this is why fascia has such a big impact on breath and our entire health.

Fascia Is Designed To
Support What We Are
Doing In Our Bodies
Fascia litterally holds us together giving structure.
New research is illustrating just how important fascia is in relation to the healthy use of our body.
The fascial system requires hydration, not just in terms of drinking water - but unsticking with myofascial techniques, yoga fascia and restorative & yin yoga.
A model of biotensegrity - meaning tension + integrity = tensegrity. In other words our bones form the compression bearing “struts” and the fascia maintain the tension, this allows the bones to “float” in the fascia.

What can myofascial release help with?
Stress & anxiety
Improving breathing patterns
Chronic Fatigue & fibromyalgia
Poor posture & general muscle soreness
Carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow
Pain & inflammation - injuries, bursitis, shoulder pain
Scar tissue
Women’s health - cesarean section, prolapse, hysterectomy, scar tissue
Fertility issues, menstruation, pelvic/abdominal pain

A Gentle Approach To Pain & Posture
We are Fascia! Fascia is a 3-dimensional connective tissue that spreads throughout the body in an interconnected web. It interfaces with every muscle, nerve, blood vessel, organ and bone in the body. Fascia is made up of collagen and elastin fibers supported in a gelatinous matrix that infuses muscles down to the cellular level. It runs from the top of our heads down to the tips of our toes. It plays a part in metabolism, has a stabilising and shock absorbing function, directly interfacing with our musculoskeletal system. It is made up nearly a third of our body's fluid, fascia separates and connects the body parts. It is a sense organ; a system of body awareness or proproception. Fascia protects tissues offer support from damage and allows remodeling after an injury.
Fascia is affected by stress, trauma, (physical or emotional), poor posture, inflammation, induced muscular tension or inflammation - this creates tension in the fascia causing it to harden locally. Due to the fact that it is essentially an interconnected web, this hardened soft tissue pulls into other areas of the body, much like when you pull threads on a sweater causing all the other threads to organize along ‘lines’ of tension. This means for example that lower back issues can be caused somewhere else in the body and producing pain in the lower back. Such restrictions can create pain and compensatory patterns in the body and in turn help to create poor posture.

Fascianating Fascia
Restriction & Tension
Restrictions in the fascia can cause symptoms such as pain, tingling, or burning as fascia can bind to nerves and blood vessels. And in turn can result in reduced flexibility and mobility. Over time such ‘stress’ can further compromise body systems, this is why fascia has such a big impact on our entire health.
Myofascial Release, like many holistic modalities, champions the philosophy that the mind and body are connected and the importance of viewing an individual as a whole rather than only looking at a physical ailment or just emotional issue. The body has the ability to remember postural positions, actions and emotions without the brain reminding it to do so. Throughout the body’s fascial system flow microscopic cells containing energy which have the ability to retain memory. Sometimes memories can become locked into the fascial system and manifest themselves in physical pain (you can read more about this here). MFR offers a gentle and safe approach to addressing physical and emotional components of an injury.
Breath Re-hab
Breathing is something we do 20,000 times a day, but we often don't really pay attention to it. Restricted breathing patterns can create issues in sports perfomance and endurance, but also in terms of feeling at ease in our body. Using a combination of Myofascial Release (MFR) and self-myofasical release, you will change restrictred breath patterns. Whether you have asthama, COPD, lung tissue damage or stress and anxiety you will learn how improve your muscle strength so you can use the oxygen you breathe more efficiently. This will help you cope better with feeling out of breath.
Learn techniques to breath more efficiently, to release muscles, including the diapragm, that inhibit your breath. Learn how relaxed and more efficient breathing creates ease in the body.

My Clinic
I see a wide range of clients that seek myofascial treatment after losing flexibility or
function following an injury, surgery or experience ongoing pain, in some cases that have been unresolved for some years. I treat clients with soft tissue pain patterns such as fibromyalgia, ME and Lyme disease. I also treat women’s health issues.
My clinics are based in Stonehouse and Stroud, Gloucestershire.

Scar Tissue
“ A scar is the tip of a fascial iceberg”
Scar tissue can occur as a result of physical trauma (either from surgery or similar injury). This density is often what creates a pull on the tissues deep under the skin, which can then in turn cause pain., and can often lead to compensations in other areas.
Read more about scar tissue release here.