Learn To Deeply Relax & Heal
Yoga Nidra is an ancient sleep-based meditation technique that has the power to take you to the innermost, deepest levels of relaxation where your whole body and being is permeated by peace of mind and profound stillness.
What are the benefits?
Yoga Nidra is very effective for addressing common
stress-related health issues, and self-destructive behavior patterns.
Relieve stress & burnout
We spend most of our day in a 'fight/flight' state, with our foot on the gas! We often don't even know we're stressed until we are overwhelmed and have a number of symptoms. Yoga Nidra reverses this aroused state and reverses stress related illnesses at their root.
Improve Sleep
Stress we experience in our waking day reduces alpha brainwave activity which makes it difficult to fall asleep. Yoga Nidra increases alpha brainwave activity which creates deep and restful sleep.
Studies show that those who practice meditation and Yoga Nidra experience more sleep cycles at night indicating more restorative sleep.
Release Anxiety & Depression
Anxiety and Depression can feel like you perpetually trapped in a limited way of being. I know this only too well as I had chronic anxiety.
Yoga Nidra promotes the release of serotonin, which lifts mood.
The release of GABA, like a natural form of valium, calms the nervous system and quiets a distressed mind.
Recover from PTSD & Trauma
Following a trauma, the nervous system receives a sustained shock and is super-sensitive to triggers. Yoga Nidra helps to bring the nervous system back into balance, allowing deep healing to occur.
Reduce Inflammation
Long-term stress increases the inflammatory response in the body, which can create many issues such as pain, rheumatoid arthritis, alzheimers, allergies, inflammatory bowel diseases.
Yoga Nidra as meditation has shown that it reduces the activity of genes associated with inflammation.
Yoga Nidra also helps balance blood sugar and has been shown to be very helpful in the treatment of Type II Diabetes.